Updated as per "Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV.
Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list";
ZooKeys 39: 37083 (2010) by Lawrence F. Gall, David C. Hawks; March 20, 2010

Catocala faustina allusa
Hulst, 1884

Catocala faustina allusa, British Columbia

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Erebidae, Leach, [1815]
Subfamily: Erebinae, Leach, [1815]
Tribe: Catocalini, Boisduval, [1828]
Genus: Catocala, Schrank, 1802


Catocala faustina allusa flies in the Pacific Maritime Ecozone of British Columbia and southward into Washington and northern California (near Hallejuh Junction, Lassen County). It also flies in Oregon (Clackamas County) and possibly western Nevada (near Reno).

It is confirmed in Idaho and Montana.

Moths previously designated as allusa are now (2010) classified as Catocala faustina allusa.

This specimen, courtesy of Jeremy Tatum and Dr. John Snyder, shows typical resting pose. According to Jeremy, the moth was "immediately active as soon as it had emerged from the pupa, and it would not allow me to photograph the hindwings, which are quite similar to those of aholibah."

White interior outline of terminal line is typical of this species and two jagged upper "teeth" of postmedial line are typical of most poplar feeders.

There is also a dark bar a few mm up from inner margin of the forewing.

The inner black band of the hindwing is relatively thick and terminates well before the inner margin.

Specimens from the coastal areas of northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia are classified as C. faustina allusa.

C. faustina allusa blends with C. faustina cleopatra in northwestern California, and with C. faustina faustina in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana.

The moth described as Catocala frenchii Poling, 1901, is a synonym of Catocala faustina allusa.

Catocala faustina allusa All Leps Barcode of Life.


Catocala faustina allusa are usually on the wing in July-August.

Catocala allusa, Oregon, All Leps Barcode of Life.

The Catocala faustina allusa caterpillar shows a preference for poplars and willows.


Adults eclose from pupae at soil surface.


Catocala faustina allusa females emit an airbourne pheromone and males use their antennae to track the scent plume.


Eggs are deposited on tree bark in the fall and hatch the following spring.

First instar larvae are very tiny. As larvae mature they become night feeders, often leaving the host plant during the day to hide amongst the undergrowth.

Catocala allusa larva on willow courtesy of Jeremy Tatum and Dr. John Snyder.

Larval Food Plants

Listed below are primary food plant(s) and alternate food plants. It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive, although some species seem very host specific. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.



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This page is brought to you by Bill Oehlke and the WLSS.

Please send sightings/images to Bill. I will do my best to respond to requests for identification help.