Catocala nivea

Catocala nivea
Butler, 1877

Catocala nivea, male, courtesy of Viktor Sinjaev.

This site has been created by Bill Oehlke.
Comments, suggestions and/or additional information are welcomed by Bill.


Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Erebidae, Leach, [1815]
Subfamily: Erebinae, Leach, [1815]
Tribe: Catocalini, Boisduval, [1828]
Genus: Catocala, Schrank, 1802


Catocala nivea nivea (wingspan: 78-105mm// fwl: 38mm), flies in Japan: Yokahoma (HT); Hokkaido; Honshu; Shikoku; Kyushu, and subspecies Catocala nivea asahinaorum Owada, 1986, flies in Taiwan. Catocala nivea krosawai Owada, 1986, There are probably subspecies as far west as Myanmar.


Catocala nivea are usually on the wing in August to October. There might also be late July or early November appearances of some specimens.

Catocala nivea female, courtesy of Viktor Sinjaev.

The Catocala nivea caterpillar possibly?? feeds on willows and poplars.


Adults eclose from pupae at soil surface.


Catocala nivea females emit an airbourne pheromone and males use their antennae to track the scent plume.


Eggs are deposited on tree bark in the fall and hatch the following spring.

Eggs can be overwintered in the fridge crisper.

Tiny hatchlings crawl like inchworms and are remarkably fast. They can escape through the smallest openings.

At maturity larvae will utilize a few strands of silk to fashion cocoons amongst leaf litter.

Adults probably emerge about 18-21 days later.

Larval Food Plants

Listed below are suspected?? food plant(s) and alternate food plants. It is hoped that this alphabetical listing followed by the common name of the foodplant will prove useful. The list is not exhaustive, although some species seem very host specific. Experimenting with closely related foodplants is worthwhile.

Populus deltoides
Populus nigra
Populus tremuloides.....

Eastern cottonwood
Lombardy poplar
Quaking aspen

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